Generally, ignition-resistant plants are ones that are low growing and do not generate a lot of debris such as fronds, leaves or similar material that will act as fuel for a wildfire. Many of these plants are also higher in moisture content and are not as susceptible to a wildfire as other dryer plants would be. Some species are more likely to survive than others depending on your elevation and climate.
Quick Facts:
- Ignition-resistant landscaping can be aesthetically pleasing while reducing potential wildfire fuel.
- Plant choice, spacing and maintenance are critical.
- Your landscape, and the plants in it, must be maintained to retain their Firewise properties.
Note: For More Information about Any of These Plants, Please Visit:
Flowers & Ground Covers:
Scientific Name: | Common Name: | |
1 | Achillea lanulosaa | Native Yarrow |
2 | Aconitum columbianumac | Columbian Monkshood |
3 | Allium cernumac | Nodding Onion |
4 | Allium geyeriac | Geyer Onion |
5 | Anaphalis margaritaceaa | Pearly Everlasting |
6 | Antennaria parvifoliaab | Small-Leaf Pussytoes |
7 | Antennaria roseab | Rosy Pussytoes |
8 | Aquilegia spp. | Columbine |
9 | Aquilegia coeruleaa | Colorado Blue Columbine |
10 | Arabis sp.b | Rockcress |
11 | Artemesia frigidaac | Fringed Sage |
12 | Artemesia ludovicianaa | Prairie Sage |
13 | Aster leavisa | Smooth Aster |
14 | Aster porteria | Porter Aster |
15 | Calochortus gunnisoniia | Mariposa Lily |
16 | Campanula rotundifoliaa | Common Harebell |
17 | Claytonia lanceolataa | Spring Beauty |
18 | Delphinium spp.c | Delphinium |
19 | Dianthus spp. | Pinks |
20 | Epilobium angustifolium | Fireweed |
21 | Erigeron flagellariusa | Whiplash Daily, Trailing Fleabane |
22 | Eriogonum umbellatuma | Sulfur Flower |
23 | Erysimum asperuma | Western Wallflower |
24 | Gaillardia aristataa | Blanket Flower |
25 | Geranium spp. | Hardy Geraniums |
26 | Geum triflorum | Prairie Smoke |
27 | Helianthella quinquenervisa | Aspen Sunflower |
28 | Helianthus pumilusa | Small Sunflower |
29 | Heuchera spp. | Coral Bells |
30 | Ipomopsis aggregataa | Scarlet Gilia |
31 | Iris missouriensis | Native Iris |
32 | Leucocrinum montanuma | Sand Lily |
33 | Liatris punctataa | Dotted Grayfeather |
34 | Linum lewisiiac | Wild Blue Flax |
35 | Lupinus argenteusac | Silver Lupine |
36 | Mertensia Ianceolataa | Narrow-Leaved Chiming Bells |
37 | Mimulus guttatusa | Yellow Monkey-Flower |
38 | Monarda fistulosaa | Native Beebalm |
39 | Oenothera caespitosaa | White Stemless Evening Primrose |
40 | Penstemon caespitosusbc | Mat Penstemon |
41 | Penstemon seqndiflorusc | Sidebells |
42 | Penstemon virensac | Blue Mist Penstemon |
43 | Polemonium | Jacobs Ladder |
44 | Potentilla fissaa | Leafy Potentilla |
45 | Ratibida columniferaa | Prairie Coneflower |
46 | Rudbeckia hirtaa | Black-Eyed Susan |
47 | Scutellaria brittoniia | Skullcap |
48 | Sedum spp.b | Stonecrop |
49 | Sedum lanceolatum | Yellow Stonecrop |
50 | Senecio spartioidesc | Broom Groundsel |
51 | Solidago missouriensisa | Smooth Goldenrod |
52 | Thalictrum fendleria | Fendler Meadowrue |
53 | Thermopsis divaricarpaa | Spreading Golden Banner |
54 | Tradescantia occidentalisa | Western Spiderwort |
Shrubs: | ||
1 | Arctostaphylos uva-ursiab | Kinnikinnick, Bearberry |
2 | Betula glanulosaa | Bog Birch |
3 | Ceanothus fendleria | Buckbrush, Mountain Lilac |
4 | Cercocarpus intricatus | Little-Leaf Mountain Mahogany |
5 | Cercocarpus montanusac | True Mountain Mahogany |
6 | Chrysothamnus spp.a | Rabbitbrush |
7 | Cornus stolonifera | Redwig Dogwood |
8 | Holodiscus dumosusa | Ocean Spray, Cliff/Rock Spirea |
9 | Jamesia americanaa | Wax Flower |
10 | Mahonia repensab | Creeping Grape Holly |
11 | Philadelphus microphyllusa | Little-Leaf Mockorange |
12 | Physocarpus monogynusa | Mountain Ninebark |
13 | Prunus besseyia | Western Sand Cherry |
14 | Purshia tridentataa | Antelope Bitterbrush |
15 | Ribes aureuma | Golden Currant |
16 | Rhus sp.a | Sumac |
17 | Rosa woodsiia | Woods Or Native Wild Rose |
18 | Shepardia canadensisa | Russet Buffaloberry |
19 | Symphoricarpos spp. | Snowberry, Coralberry |
20 | Viburnum edulea | Highbush Cranberry |
21 | Yucca glaucaa | Spanish Bayonet, Small Soapweek, Great Plains Yucca |
Large Shrubs and Trees: | ||
1 | Acer glabruma | Rocky Mountain Maple |
2 | Acer grandidentatuma | Wasatch Maple |
3 | Alnus tenuifoliaa | Thinleaf Alder |
4 | Amelanchier alnifoliaa | Saskatoon Alder-Leaf Serviceberry |
5 | Amelanchier utahensisa | Utah Serviceberry |
6 | Cercocarpus ledifoliusa | Mountain Mahogany |
7 | Corylus cornutaa | Filbert, Beaked Hazelnut |
8 | Crataegus spp,a | Hawthorn (Several Native) |
9 | Populus tremuloidesa | Aspen |
10 | Prunus americanaa | American Wild Plum |
11 | Prunus pennsylvanicaa | Pine/Fire/Wild/Red Cherry |
12 | Prunus virviniana melanocarpaac | Western Chokecherry |
13 | Rubus delisiosusa | Boulder Raspberry, Thimbleberry |
14 | Populus sp.a | Narrowleaf Cottonwood |
15 | Salix amygdaloidesa | Peachleaf Willow |
16 | Shepherdia argenteaa | Silver Buffaloberry |
17 | Sorbus scopulinaa | Western Mountain Ash |
A– Native Species | ||
B– Ground Cover Plant | ||
C-This Species, Or Some Species In This Genus, May Be Poisonous To Livestock, Pets, Wildlife And/Or People Under Some Conditions |